Thursday, December 26, 2013


I'm getting very tired of seeing my daughter's name as follows:


In quotation marks.

As if she were some idea, title, or concept.
As if she was some "thing" that might have happened, but fell short. A failed project, prospect, or possibility. 
As if her heart beat didn't quit until the last second. As if she never had a heart beat...
As if she wasn't a real human baby, because she only made it to five months instead of nine...

I would like to apologize to my friends and family who donated money to "Luca".
 Because in the end, that project had nothing to do with her.
I promoted it, thinking it did. I was wrong.

There is "Luca", and then there is my daughter, Luca.
I made the above art work with her in mind through the whole process.

I went out into the woods in Plymouth with my little 35mm plastic camera. I shot
some double exposures. This one was simply taken by one straight-on shot, doubled on another with the camera turned upside-down on the same scene, on black and white film.
 In the middle of the fame, I saw "LUCA", framed. I couldn't have planned it if I tried. The branches did the work for me.

 I listened to music, painted the light spots in with watercolors.
 I hadn't used watercolors for quite some time before that, it was really nice.
 I did it for her. And I loved it.
Out of anything I've ever created, It's my favorite.
Because I like to think she helped me out with the coincidental placement of those branches.

I'd expect no less from my daughter.




Monday, December 23, 2013

To Be Thankful:

The holiday season is in full force. 
I love this year more than the last...
This year taught me that I was capable of a love that I had never experienced previously. 

It altered my sense of self.
I threw aside my habits, whether they were normal, bad or fun.
It wasn't just about me anymore, and I was glad for that.
I was ready to give it up.
For Luca: 
I wanted to find the most comfortable bath tub for you.
I researched the most effective ways to teach you how to sleep through the night without feeling abandoned. 
 I read French parenting books, and was excited about teaching you the art of taste at a young age. We would eat le bleu, and of course I would have taught you how to appreciate Japanese dishes. You would have known the difference between oolong-cha and ryoku-cha.
Your car seat would have been the safest on earth. 

I would have taught you how to use watercolor paints. You would have made a mess.

I had already chosen your swaddling cloths. They had bees and giraffes on them.

I already had a set of Lincoln Logs ready for you. I had hoped to teach you how to build things from
scratch, despite all of your peers being raised on iPads. I wanted to show you how to make a tree fort with a hammer and salvaged nails, just like I did when I was at the age you should have reached.

You would have been two months old now.
   Everything should have been wonderful now.

Maybe you were just too beautiful for this world.


Friday, October 25, 2013

#4: Flowers for Her

Today marks Luca's official due date.
I knew very well that even though I had bounced back and started living life again that this would be a difficult time for me. I think for any woman who has lost an unborn child well into pregnancy that magic date is imprinted permanently into your memory. You continue the countdown in your head, but it is not one of excitement and anticipation. It's a ticking clock of loss. October 25th, 2013. Welcome to the day that was supposed to be the happiest day of your life. (Even though it was a rough measurement...)

I am thankful that I did not know until recently I would be mourning alone on this day.
Luca's father decided to part ways with me. I digress from going into detail as that is not the purpose of this blog. I never pictured myself spending this day in a half empty apartment, thinking of how I'm going to get everything out in the next three days. But here I am. And things are what they are.

My doctor tells me that men leaving after a miscarriage isn't uncommon. He sees it all too often. While part of me wants to search for comfort in those words, it leaves me feeling pretty hollow.

I would like to point out a few things that people have said to me that I found truly infuriating and wildly inappropriate:

"Well, I guess it was for the best then..."
"You would have been stuck all alone, a single mother..."
"It's really better then...that, you know...."
"Everything happens for a reason..."

I would like to say that for any decent, expecting, or mourning mother, there is not a single good reason between heaven and earth that would make the loss of a child a blessing in disguise. There is literally nothing in this world that could happen that would make me think that the miscarriage was for the best.
I would have found a way. I would have found a million ways, for her.

I bought her flowers today. It felt strange bringing fresh flowers into the apartment, knowing I need to break down everything and be gone in the next few days. But today is important.
I put them next to her ashes and the box that holds her pictures, blanket and bonnet. I keep every sympathy card we received in that box, as well as my late grandfather's handkerchief.

While this point in time is difficult for me, I am happy to say that I have been moving on, towards things that bring me happiness. I am back at my old job, surrounded by people that I have known well for years and truly love. I am incredibly thankful for all of the ongoing support and understanding I have received from these people, as well as my coworkers from my last job. 
While that gig did not work out for me in any sense, I was able to come out of it with a new appreciation and understanding about what matters to me in life, and quite a few good, solid friends.

I received one negative comment about this blog after I started it. And this one comment was the reason I haven't posted in a long time.
I was told that this blog was "Just another way for you to victimize yourself."
For that one opinion, I stopped writing. The person who said that was Luca's father, himself.

From this point on, I will continue writing. Because regardless of that one opinion, my writing resulted in a lot of good. I have had people I only know as acquaintances send me messages, having been through a similar loss. And one that hadn't experienced a loss of that nature but was inspired by my writing to make a positive change in their life. 
The thought that through my writing, Luca's short life could have a positive impact on others or give them comfort gives me an incredible sense of peace.

So tomorrow I will begin packing up the last of my belongings, putting a physical end to this chapter of my life. While it is difficult to let go, I know there is nothing left to hold on to.

But tonight, I mourn her. Because of all the hopes I had, because she was everything I had ever dreamed of. And even though she passed before she was ever able to experience this world, her story has touched people close to me. Without even being born, she has made a difference in the lives of others. I am incredibly proud of my daughter. Just like any other mother would be.


Friday, August 2, 2013

#3: The Song for Baby Birch

In the first few weeks after the loss my sister told me about this song by Joanna Newsom.
I'd like to point out that before this, I was never a fan of her music. I remember arguing with my sister about how I didn't like her voice (she said that I wasn't on a deep enough level to "get it"). However, I did always like the Sprout and the Bean...

And then she introduced me to this song. It is the most incredibly poignant tribute I have found. The first time I heard this was the first time I knew in my heart that I wasn't alone in this experience. 
From what I know, she lost a baby well into her pregnancy due to a car accident. While the circumstances are different from mine, it seems her loss was painfully similar.
Watching her perform this live is unnerving as well as comforting to me. As she sings the words, her facial expressions speak so much that the lyrics almost become unnecessary.
 There is no way any woman could write this song without knowing the pain that I have known. And I love her to death for having the courage and talent to create this, never mind perform it live.
Her way of telling the story is so clear and heartfelt. If anyone has any trouble understanding this kind of loss, Baby Birch will probably help you get an idea:

This is the song for Baby Birch
Oh I will never know you
And at the back of what we've done
There is the knowledge of you

Well I wish we could take every path
I could spend a hundred years adoring you
Yes, I wish we could take every path
Because I hated to close the door on you

Do you remember staring up at the stars
So far away in their bulletproof cars
When we heard the rushing, slow intake
Of the dark, dark water, and the engine breaks

And I said
How about them engine breaks
And, if I should die before I wake
Will you keep an eye on Baby Birch
Because I'd hate to see her make the same mistakes

When it was dark
I called and you came
When it was dark
I saw shapes
When I see stars
I feel, in your hand
And I see stars
And I reel, again

Well mercy me, I'll be goddamned
It's been a long, long time
Since I last saw you

And I have never known the plan
It's been a long, long time
How are you

Your eyes are green
Your hair is gold
Your hair is black
Your eyes are blue

I closed the ranks, and I doubled back
But, you know, I hated to close the dog-gone door on you

We take a walk along the dirty lake
Hear the goose cussing at me over her eggs
You poor little cousin, I don't want your dregs
A little baby fussing all over my legs

There is a blacksmith
And there is a shepherd
And there is a butcher boy
And there is a barber, who's cutting
And cutting away at my only joy
I saw a rabbit
As slick as a knife
And as pale as a candlestick
And I had thought it'd be harder to do
But I caught her, and skinned her quick
Held her there
Kicking and mewling
Upending, unspooling, unsung and blue
Told her "wherever you go
Little runaway bunny
I will find you"
And then she ran
As they're liable to do

Be at peace, baby
And be gone
Be at peace, baby
And be gone

#2: The Meaning of "Strong"

 Luca's bonnet, urn, memory ring and photo book.

One thing that I've noticed time and time again is how many people are speaking of my strength through the loss of Luca. First of all I want to say that I fully appreciate these words. It makes me think, maybe I am I doing better than another woman would in this situation? But the problem is, I really don't think I am, not in the least. In fact I have never felt so weak or fragile in my life.

 I am simply working through the motions the best I can. Some days are better than others, but that can quickly be followed up with a day worse than the past few. I can't do any more than that. I feel that any woman in this position can only be dragged with the current in the same way. None of us are any stronger or weaker than the other. There is absolutely no nobility or cowardliness in any of this.

Because I can write about it does not mean that I am any stronger than a woman in the same position that couldn't fathom the thought. Each of us has our own way of working through things. We are at the mercy of time and the fleeting presence or absence of hope. All in the same boat, but with different sets of tools.

I have thought about this for weeks and have come up with one comparison that makes sense to me.
Picture yourself riding a bike. You are suddenly hit by a car. Pinned under that car, you are being dragged for dozens and dozens of meters...and from the sidewalk you hear someone yell, "YOU'RE DOING GREAT! YOU ARE SO STRONG!!!"
 Basically, you're at a's not that you don't appreciate the sentiment. But you just don't get it. At all.

There are so many things I had hoped to be strong enough to do by now. I bought a proper urn for her ashes and yet, have not been strong enough to open up the original box again and transfer them over. I can't even picture throwing out the little green box that the funeral home gave her back to us in. It's nearly unfathomable to me. Because she was so small, it's a tiny amount of ashes. I'm terrified to lose even a single particle, and can not touch it.

Another part of being "strong" is facing the other, more lucky women around you.
I have four friends in my life right now who are pregnant. Some of them with due dates painfully close to what should have been Luca's. I will be completely honest...watching them go through their journey while mine was cut short is very painful. I see the gender reveal parties, the baby showers...I see how my belly would have looked if she were still with me. I feel robbed of all that joy, and moreover I can't help but wonder, "Why only me? Why me..?."
But the merciless bottom line is that being jealous will not change any of this. 
More importantly, the love that I lost was my own daughter...not their children. And I would never wish such a tragedy on my own worst enemy, never mind my own friend. So while it does hurt in the sense that it reminds me of my own loss, I am sincerely happy for those more fortunate than I have been. It is my greatest hope to give their babies playmates someday, to be a fellow Mom. And I know in my heart when I am able to join their ranks, they will be very, very happy for me.


Monday, July 29, 2013

Entry No.1

I'm starting this blog as a way to help myself cope with the loss of my daughter. I don't know how many posts I'll end up writing or who will end up reading it. However it has become pretty clear to me that I need to create some sort of outlet to deal with the pain and I've found it difficult to find support online for my particular situation. Because I took a medical emergency leave I'm currently uninsured and unable to go to a therapist. I was given Zoloft, which I took for a few weeks until it basically turned me into a vegetable chained to my couch with no appetite for anything but Netflix, sleep and boxed wine. Not exactly the best way to properly mourn my daughter and certainly not the road to finding peace and happiness.

Nobody really likes to talk about miscarriage, understandably. This is why most couples wait until they hit the twelve week mark before sharing the this point the odds that the child will be lost are overwhelmingly slim. When I lost Luca at 19 weeks and five days, the statistics tell me there was roughly a 0.5% chance of that happening. When you have a 99.5% chance that the greatest thing you have ever hoped for is going to happen it might as well be 999.5%. It's pretty inconceivable at that point that you could be that one unfortunate, faceless, nameless statistical woman. It seems impossible. It basically is impossible.

During my medical leave I pretty much became agoraphobic. Aside from family and very close friends, it's incredibly difficult to face acquaintances and coworkers. Nobody knows what to say and you don't even know what you want them to say. There are days when you can cope with the basic "I'm so sorry" and then five minutes later the same simple sentence will derail you completely. You become a raw nerve, an emotional liability. The elephant in the room. Probably more in your own mind, but it is still very real. It feels like everyone is walking in glass and it is exhausting.
 One thing I would like people to know is there is no right thing to say. It is just that fucking awful. If you say "I'm so sorry" and I cry, it's ok. If I don't that's ok too. I know every woman is different but for me the worst is when people that know me well enough say nothing at all. The elephant in the room just gets bigger. Fortunately, this period of time does eventually end.

 Now, I'm going to get into some pretty sad material at this point: exactly what happened. I'm not going to include gory details (there weren't really that many). While part of me is saying surely nobody really wants to read this, a bigger part of me needs to just get it the hell out. 

 I went to the hospital on Monday, June 3rd. I was off that day just relaxing at home watching some French movie about a pregnant woman and her amazing motherhood transformation. I ate some pasta. Without realizing it, I at some point had put my cell phone on top of my belly and it just stayed there. It made me smile. The previous Friday we found out that we were having a little girl. Her name was Luca. We were both hoping for a daughter. I really felt she was the first miracle I had ever known.

And then I noticed something was off. A strange pressure that wasn't there before. No pain, no blood, just a pressure that no amount of googling could explain. I called my doctor, sent Pat a text and drove myself to Toby hospital, white knuckled and in complete silence. 
In the ER, I was examined by a doctor who's name I can't remember. And he could find nothing. Which made me panic. My OBGYN was called in. They couldn't see my cervix. At some point I had started dilating. What they were seeing was the amniotic sac where it very much should not be.
Although I had known something was off, it had not occurred to me up until this very point that I might lose my daughter. I was ordered to remain still, laying down as the doctor arranged for me to be transferred to Women and Infants in Providence. My doctor informed me that I might be the 0.5%. He noted that he hated giving news like this. I didn't care what he liked or hated and could feel nothing but white hot fear. I was shaking all over so badly it felt more like violent spasms. And I worried that the fear would harm her. 
Through the entire ambulance ride I continued in this state. The well meaning paramedic talked to me about some things I didn't want to talk about. He asked me her name. I sobbed and told him, Luca.
When I arrived in Providence, Pat was there. They examined me and came to the conclusion that I would be a good candidate for an emergency cerclage. They would give me a spinal, sew me back up, and she would be safe again. I agreed. If they had told me they were going to cut all of my limbs off to save her, I would have agreed. Without anasthesia, even. 
They hooked me up to a machine for a few hours to make sure I wasn't having contractions. I stared at the screen, hating the time it was taking, following every little electronic wave and bump. Desperate, hoping, praying. Hours later, they brought me to the OR. I was given a miracle of a drug to calm me down, but I was conscious. I felt heavy, the air felt thin. I remember the wildly uncomfortable feeling of getting a spinal. I remember being tilted back and feeling my body moved around. I remember forgetting my words and trying to say "I'm going to fall backwards" but only Japanese would come out. They didn't hear it anyway. But I clearly remember hearing them say "it's not going to work", and the rush of tears involuntarily rolling down my face. I whispered her name, over and over again. 

 I was taken to a private delivery room. They explained that they couldn't perform the surgery as the amniotic sac wouldn't budge. It would have burst. It was impossible. My only choice is to wait and see if it might on its own. 
I wait. I eat, for her. I have to ask for a prenatal vitamin, and it makes me angry. I waited for what I think was about 24 hours. My concept of time during this period is non-existent. I don't even remember what I did...I might have watched tv. I cried often. Pat went home to get some things. He came back. I asked to be examined again, to see if there might be any change, a chance. And there was none.
After 24 hours, the doctor informed me of that. My baby was never going to survive, and if I kept up the waiting, I would likely get an infection that could potentially result in never being able to have children again. 

At this point, they hooked me up to an ultrasound machine. I saw her there, still alive. Kicking, moving about. And I saw her heart beat for the last time. The little white and gray flicker that was the embodiment of every last ounce of my joy, my own life. I wondered if she knew somehow about all of this, I wondered if she felt safe. I wondered if she would feel pain and I couldn't bear the thought. This moment, seeing my daughter alive for what I knew was the last time was without question the single most painful moment I have ever, or will ever experience in this lifetime. 
The doctor reminds me that I am not terminating this pregnancy. It is terminating itself. These words mean little to nothing to me. The outcome is the same. And I know that when she goes, a giant piece of me goes with her. I know that I will never be the same.

I opted to be induced, which was a difficult decision. Part of me longed desperately to just be knocked out for any period of time. In the end I am very glad that I chose this route. Pat stayed with me the whole time. They offered me an epidural but with the discomfort of the previous days spinal, I turned it down. I was given morphine, which only worked until the contractions cut right through them. The entire process only took a few hours.
 When she was born, there was no cry. They took her to the other side of the room where they cleaned her up behind a curtain. Everybody was quiet. A nurse weighed her. I think she said 6 point something ounces. They wrapped her in a little pink blanket and gave her to me.

I held her too small body in my arms. I touched her cheek with my fingertip. I couldn't believe she had blonde hair, and little blonde eyebrows. Her tiny shoulder was bruised from the delivery. I prayed and hoped above else that she felt no pain. They took her footprints and asked if I wanted a picture of me holding her.
At the time, it seemed like a horrific suggestion, that I might want to go back and look upon that photo some day. I declined, but they took pictures of her wrapped in her blanket, pictures of her little feet. It is hospital procedure in case the mother changes her mind, they keep these pictures on file. 

I was transferred to a recovery room, where they brought her to me again the next morning. They had given her a little white bonnet. Even in all her blankets, she was ice cold. I hated that no amount of touch could warm her up. Pat held her as well. A chaplain came in and blessed her. We decided her middle name should be Violet. I changed my mind and asked to keep the pictures they took of her. They gave them to me in a box with her pink blanket. I held her for the last time, and then I went home.

During all of this, I had assumed that after a certain period of time the pain would fade to some extent, just like every other pain I have ever known in my life, heartbreak or what have you. However, I'm beginning to realize that it is impossible for the experience of losing a child to hurt any less, at any point, ever. It is more about learning how to live along side of that. It is simply too traumatic an experience to ever lose color or impact in your mind.

 I do hope that there will be at least one woman who can find this blog and be comforted by my story. I'd like to help someone else know that they're not the only 0.5%.